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Cast - Idina Menzel Year - 2019 Directors - Benny Safdie, Josh Safdie A charismatic New York City jeweler always on the lookout for the next big score makes a series of high-stakes bets that could lead to the windfall of a lifetime. Howard must perform a precarious high-wire act, balancing business, family, and encroaching adversaries on all sides in his relentless pursuit of the ultimate win countries - USA

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Say what you say about Adam Sandler but the DISAPPEARES into everyone of his roles.
Uncut Gems Reviews Movie Reviews By Reviewer Type All Critics Top Critics All Audience Verified Audience Page 1 of 16 May 1, 2020 What is there to say? Adam Sandler gives the performance of his career in a sea of diamond-encrusted Furbies. We are rocketed through Ratner"s world - a place of permanently raised voices, propulsive camera work and blaring noise - accompanied by a pulsing score from Daniel Lopatin... April 30, 2020 The Safdie brothers - whose last film, Good Time, redefined Robert Pattinson for a lot of moviegoers - are prepared to show you a new side of Adam Sandler. March 29, 2020 Adam Sandler, who also did an impressive non-comedy turn in Punch-Drunk Love (2002), puts in a very strong performance as a hard-bitten businessman determined to survive in a world set out to destroy him. March 9, 2020 Filmmakers Josh and Benny Safdie bought a quality product to audiences this past year and Sandler shines and the wholly unlikeable Ratner, but the film has flaws. February 28, 2020 The thing that elevates it above all else is the frenetic energy that infuses every scene, yet calibrated so perfectly so that it stays, barely, on the right side of frustrating. There"s nothing more thrilling than that. February 18, 2020 Uncut Gems isn"t exactly an enjoyable experience - it"s stressful and hectic and anxiety-provoking. But, that doesn"t take away from the fact that the Safdies have created a drama that is downright fascinating. February 16, 2020 Sandler is Oscar-worthy in raw "Uncut Gems. " February 13, 2020 The Safdies have not conferred mystical powers onto their film, but like the black opal at its heart, UNCUT GEMS will transfix the viewer by reflecting something a little different back at you depending on what angle you consider it from. The Safdies create dazzling, anxiety-inducing mania that spares no moment for viewers to catch their breath... 10/10 recommend. February 12, 2020 It"s a brilliantly exhausting movie that gaffer-tapes us to motormouth New York gem dealer and degenerate gambler Howard Ratner... The thrill and despair of the addict are palpable. February 11, 2020 Possibly one of the most annoying movies I"ve seen in recent years. [Full review in Spanish] February 10, 2020 Uncut Gems maintains its social critique and shows us the dirty games played in a society led by capitalism and greed. [Full Review in Spanish] February 8, 2020 Impressive but somewhat exhausting at 135 minutes, this still has a great deal to admire, from the pitch of nervous tension, to the entire supporting cast. February 7, 2020 Most of us, if we"re honest, will see at least a little bit of ourselves - albeit in our worst moments - in Sandler"s Ratner, and that is what makes Uncut Gems memorable. I was pleasantly surprised at the choice of material for Adam Sandler and how well he does in the role of Howard. February 6, 2020 The Safdie Brothers manage a constant cranking, winding up of tension, as this escalating situation gets from bad to worse, as Sandler"s character makes bad decision after bad decision. February 5, 2020 This is an energy shot of a movie, a dose of which will leave viewers jittery, but craving more. February 4, 2020 Fans of The Waterboy should go into Uncut Gems with plenty of high quality H2O to make up for all the juices they"ll be projectile-sweating out of their pores. February 3, 2020 If there"s something that the Safdies know is how to maintain tension. [Full review in Spanish] Page 1 of 16.
Uncut gens.

http://hohekiara.duckdns.org/ Uncut gems ending. Uncut gems stuckmann. This was a huge waste of time. There wasn’t a gem in this movie that was uncut. They were all very m... uch flawed. The acting was flawed, the horrible music, the filming quality. A cheap movie made to give Adam Sandler a lousy chance of a come back. We watched another movie made from the same company and these two movies have been the absolute worse. Will never ever watch another movie made from this company, directors, and or producers. Horrible story line bye, you could call every shot that was going to take place. Just awful and I feel for everyone else who watched this crap. See More The whole movie was horribly written. you couldnt understand what was being said bc everyone was tal... king over each other. It could have been a good movie of done differently bc the plot was good. See More This is not an entertaining movie at all. Easily anticipated storyline where every character is irr... itating. Adam Sandler shows his versatility and plays the role well but the movie is terrible. See More.

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Uncut gems cz. Headline is very accurate. The movie was loud from start to end, had no direction, character build and had bad acting. People that rate this movie higher than a six are over thinking what they saw.
The couple next to my wife and I at the theatre left and we were thinking the same. We gutted it out and stayed for no other reason than to see how this dumb, pointless movie would end. The ending was a surprise and that clearly is the only reason this movie is rated so high.
The beginning, middle and most of the end was terrible. The last 5 minutes was akin to the "Sixth Sense. Other than the shocking end, it was horrible. Uncut gers en gascogne. Uncut gems. Adam Sandlers first movie not wearing a t shirt and shorts ?? in it. Billy Dee Williams still looking really good for his age.

Uncut gems interview. Uncut gems true story. Uncut gems club song. Can I watch now. Uncut gems i disagree. Uncut gems (2019. From the start of the movie, its easy to pick up that this is going to be a fast paced one. It"s chaos wrapped with anxious moments. The Adam Sandler in this movie is more of the Adam Sandler in Punch Drunk Love, and that"s great.
Great story that moves along quickly.

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Uncut gems kinopoisk. Critic’s Pick In the Safdie brothers’ new movie, Sandler plays a jewelry-store owner and compulsive gambler running for his life. Credit... A24 Uncut Gems NYT Critic"s Pick Directed by Benny Safdie, Josh Safdie Comedy, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller R 2h 15m “Uncut Gems, ” the latest from the brothers Josh and Benny Safdie, blows in like a Category 4 hurricane. It’s a tumult of sensory extremes, of images and sounds, lurching shapes, braying voices, intensities of feeling and calculated craziness. So, naturally it stars — why not? — Adam Sandler as a cheat, liar, loving dad, bad husband, jealous lover and compulsive gambler who can’t stop, won’t stop acting the fool. The Safdies, two of the more playfully inventive filmmakers working in American cinema, won’t stop, either, which makes “Uncut Gems” fun if also wearying and at times annoying. It doesn’t seem to add up to much — a little man lives his life — but this is just enough. It’s easier to admire than to love, and I hate the ending, but the Safdies clearly like working your nerves. They’re not interested in the dumb, easy stuff movies give you — the likable, relatable characters, the sermonizing and moralizing; they’re too busy deploying color and noise, pushing the form, testing their (and our) limits. Amid this enjoyable chaos, Sandler plays Howard Ratner, who has a small jewelry store in the Diamond District of Manhattan. He has a few employees, one of whom is his mistress (Julia Fox), and an aggrieved wife (Idina Menzel) who’s fed up with him. He’s a careless family man, but he dotes on his sons and still clocks in for homey obligations. There’s a leisurely Passover Seder in the middle of the movie that’s suffused with love and alive with squalling kids, bustling women and well-padded men chewing cigars. But Howard has his plagues: He’s a gambler and presumably an unlucky one given the heavy debt that he’s carrying. Lots of stuff happens, lots and lots, and some of it can be hard to track. But the bedlam is intentional and amusing. All you need to do is latch onto Howard as he runs from here to there, yelling greetings, taking calls, making deals, always moving amid jump cuts, zooms and lurid close-ups. (The superb cinematography is by Darius Khondji, shooting on 35-millimeter film. ) Howard’s dodging some toughs who work for a mystery man whom he owes big; the men are scary, bruisers with cruelty etched in their faces and no trace of the usual movie manicuring. One (Keith Williams Richards) punches Howard in the kisser, which is almost understandable. Written by the Safdies with their regular collaborator, the filmmaker Ronald Bronstein, “Uncut Gems” opens with a prologue, a familiar enough narrative strategy. It’s unusual, though, for the Safdies, as is the site: a mine in Ethiopia, where throngs of men are scrambling around a gravely wounded worker. The location shooting initially seems pointless (what happens could be conveyed in dialogue), and like the casting of Sandler, it broadcasts that they’re working with a higher budget. Structurally, the opener echoes the clichéd place-setting in Hollywood adventures, the ones with dashing heroes, offensively exoticized extras and maybe a mummy or two. More specifically, the dusty, enigmatic opener in “Uncut Gems” drolly echoes the start of “The Exorcist” (1973), where a priest at an archaeological dig in Iraq unearths the demonic relic that sets off the ensuing horror, the possession and spewing vomit. The magical discovery here is made by two Ethiopian miners, who sneak away from the bedlam to dig out a similar-looking lumpy rock. This turns out to be a huge black opal that soon ends up in Howard’s possession, though not for long. Like the “Exorcist” relic, the opal proves an ominous if more contemporary fetish with a near-magical, increasingly dangerous hold on everyone who comes in contact with it. Howard believes that the opal will save him — he plans to sell it at auction — but like good fortune, the precious lump keeps slipping from his grasp. For the most part, the Safdies seem to enjoy mucking up Howard’s plans, intensifying his rotten luck, bad choices, collapsing home life and squabbles, pointless or otherwise. They bat him around, dunk him in a fountain, almost break his nose. He’s a Rabelaisian figure, absurd, lewd, excessive, and while the Safdies are obviously fond of him (the scenes with his children are a tip-off), they don’t cut him much slack. Life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short; the movie mostly is too, though at 135 minutes it’s not short. Sandler makes a persuasively unsteady hub for this pinwheeling anarchy. It’s an intensely physical role — Howard racks up the miles — and generally a reactive one. Every so often Sandler gets to expand the character’s emotional register, in lulls and moments of tenderness and real feeling. Then boom! He’s off again, diving into the clamor, trying to hustle the basketball star Kevin Garnett (as himself) or manage an unruly partner in his hustle (an excellent Lakeith Stanfield). Garnett delivers a speech to Howard about race and exploitation, which brings the story back to Ethiopia. Garnett’s sincerity may resonate with you, but with Howard? Not so much. Howard is running too quickly to really listen, and he doesn’t really care. The world is what it is, dog eat dog flimflam man, get rich or die trying. The Safdies don’t judge Howard or, worse yet, ask us to. Instead, they situate him in a specific historical moment (the year is 2012), throwing him into a late-capitalist, wholly transactional, anxiously insecure world. Deeply immersive, that world carries the imprint of its cinematic influences — bards of excess like Abel Ferrara, James Toback, Tony Scott and Gaspar Noé — but it is also and finally its own rough and glittering thing of beauty. Uncut Gems Rated R for gun violence, bloodletting and gambling. Running time: 2 hours 15 minutes.

Critics Consensus Uncut Gems reaffirms the Safdies as masters of anxiety-inducing cinema -- and proves Adam Sandler remains a formidable dramatic actor when given the right material. 92% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 320 52% Audience Score Verified Ratings: 12, 111 Uncut Gems Ratings & Reviews Explanation Uncut Gems Videos Photos Movie Info From acclaimed filmmakers Josh and Benny Safdie comes an electrifying crime thriller about Howard Ratner (Adam Sandler), a charismatic New York City jeweler always on the lookout for the next big score. When he makes a series of high-stakes bets that could lead to the windfall of a lifetime, Howard must perform a precarious high-wire act, balancing business, family, and encroaching adversaries on all sides, in his relentless pursuit of the ultimate win. Rating: R (for pervasive strong language, violence, some sexual content and brief drug use) Genre: Drama Directed By: Written By: In Theaters: Dec 25, 2019 wide On Disc/Streaming: Feb 25, 2020 Runtime: 135 minutes Studio: A24 Cast News & Interviews for Uncut Gems Critic Reviews for Uncut Gems Audience Reviews for Uncut Gems Uncut Gems Quotes Movie & TV guides.

Uncut gems death. "Everything I do is not going right. " So sobs Howard, the adrenaline-junkie diamond dealer gambling addict played by Adam Sandler in "Uncut Gems. " Taking place over the course of a couple of days, "Uncut Gems, " directed by Josh and Benny Safdie, hurtles along a narrow track over a yawning abyss, following Howard as he attempts to pay down his huge gambling debts by, of course, placing increasingly risky bets. There"s the hope that once he pays it all off, he"ll wipe the slate clean, and repair some of the bridges he"s burned. But everyone around Howard knows this is a fantasy. His addiction is too entrenched. The dazzle of the "uncut gems" in the title is not a surface shine. It glows at the center of the earth, it burns in Howard"s core. It makes sense, then, that "Uncut Gems" would start with a sequence where the camera goes inside a black opal (dug out of the Welo opal mines in northern Ethiopia) which then morphs into the inside of a human colon. The colon of Howard, to be exact, as he endures a colonoscopy. The images on the hospital monitor look similar to the fantastical space of the opal"s innards, its curves and layers. This is metaphor writ so large it"s brazen, a theme hammered home with refreshing rhetorical candor. The opal is inside Howard, his need for it comes from the basest part of him. He lives in a state of "gold sickness" or "dragon sickness" (so vividly described by J. R. Tolkien in The Hobbit), the hypnotic power of gems luring men into madness since the beginning of time, seeking pirate"s gold, El Dorado, the Holy Grail, on doomed colonialist adventures. Howard"s black opal is the same as any long-besought gem: it emanates a magical pull on all who look upon it. Its power is almost wholly symbolic. Co-written by the Safdies and regular collaborator Ronald Bronstein, "Uncut Gems" immerses you in Howard"s nutty cacophonous world. Howard"s jewelry shop in New York"s Diamond District is a tiny space with the atmosphere of a three-ring circus. The double entrance to his shop—requiring two buzzes—is a buffer between Howard and the world, giving him (at the most) 10 seconds lead time against anyone looking for him. His assistant Demany ( LaKeith Stanfield) hustles clients who might be interested in the flashy items in Howard"s inventory, and the latest lure is Boston Celtics star Kevin Garnett (playing himself), waiting in the shop when Howard returns from the colonoscopy. Howard can"t resist showing Garnett his latest acquisition: the opal, just arrived from Ethiopia, which Howard is putting it up for auction later in the week (at a hugely inflated price). He tells Garnett about how he feels connected to the Ethiopian Jews who dig up the opals, and his enthusiasm is so passionate it"s catching. Garnett asks if he could borrow the opal for good luck at the upcoming Eastern Conference finals, and Howard says yes. Howard saying "yes" is the first of the many, many terrible choices he makes over the next 135 minutes. He owes so much money that goons follow him around, showing up at his office. These people mean business. His wife ( Idina Menzel) seethes with hatred for him. His daughter can barely tolerate him. He"s put up his young mistress ( Julia Fox) in an apartment he"s rented for her. Howard is always on the go, always running out of rooms, racing down sidewalks, charging across lobbies. And that"s the thing about addiction, the thing that "Uncut Gems" really understands. On some level, the stress is the point. The nerve endings are so frayed they need the stress. Howard is useless without panic. So is his mistress, who also suffers from a form of "gold sickness. ” It is their main bond. This is not a "cautionary tale" about the dangers of gambling. It"s more like a virtual-reality game where you step into Howard"s experience. The Safdies use New York City in ways that haven"t been seen since films in the "70s. The city has been so cleaned up and gentrified and homogenized it might be easy to forget that so much goes on at street-level, so much chaos, the marginalized and lost seeking a foothold, the grifters and hustlers slipping through the cracks, working their angles. The Safdies" " Heaven Knows What " was documentary-like in its approach, but their follow-up " Good Time " was a race-against-the-clock thriller, its action sprawling over the five boroughs. The Safdies are nervy, funny, and comfortable with discomfort. Their characters have no access to comfort, and yet in every moment they"re striving to escape, hustle, talk their way out of things, talk their way into things, get what they need, what they want. Veteran cinematographer Darius Khondji (a changeup from the Safdies" regular collaboration with Sean Price Williams) brings out the sickly gleam in this world, the green-fuzz of the interior lighting, the glamour of some of the interiors juxtaposed with the sleaze of the others. In a recent conversation between Adam Sandler and Brad Pitt for Variety"s Actors on Actors series, Pitt observed that even though Howard makes all these bad choices in "Uncut Gems, " you worry about the guy. It is Pitt"s contention that this is because of Sandler"s "warm-heartedness, " something you always feel, no matter the material. I think there"s something to that. You hear people expressing surprise when Sandler gives a good performance. There should be no surprise. When he"s given good material, like Paul Thomas Anderson"s "Punch Drunk Love, " or Noah Baumbach"s "The Meyerowitz Stories" (to name just a few), he"s as good as it gets. Behind his humor is pain and rage, both of which he is able to tap into. Here, as Howard, complete with goatee, fancy glasses, "club" clothes, he is a portrait of a man living on the edge. He never stops talking. He never stops striving, scheming, shouting, hustling. In his eyes is the devotional gleam of the big score. "Self-delusion" is a redundant term. All delusions come from a willingness to buy into a fantasy, an off-chance, a long shot. In a delusion, your brain is a cage, and you are your own prison guard, monitoring the perimeters of allowable thought. Delusion feeds addiction, and addiction needs a constant supply of delusion. "Uncut Gems" shows this electrified-fence feedback loop like no other film in recent memory. It"s excruciating and exhilarating. Sheila O"Malley Sheila O"Malley received a BFA in Theatre from the University of Rhode Island and a Master"s in Acting from the Actors Studio MFA Program. Read her answers to our Movie Love Questionnaire here. Uncut Gems (2019) Rated R for pervasive strong language, violence, some sexual content and brief drug use. 130 minutes 2 days ago 3 days ago.

Uncut gems near me. Adam Sandler was incredible in this film. ?LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLK. Uncut gems the weeknd scene. The whole movie falls apart when you realize that sports betting is illegal in Connecticut where the Mohegan Sun is... So the final scene/bet would"ve been impossible. Uncut gems ost. Uncut gems song. I am going to see this. Uncut gems credits. Uncut gems reviews. Uncut gems rotten tomatoes. Uncut gems review. Uncut gems soundtrack the weeknd. Masterful film, it absolutely nails the grimy, hustle and bustle energy of Howard and the new york scene. I watched Good Time last night, it"s fine. Now I can see Robert Pattison as Batman. Uncut gems movie.

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